In August 2011, Duben was diagnosed with a unique type of cancer called Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He fought hard and was winning. He did it all while providing for his family, and being the most amazing husband and father. After finishing chemotherapy he got pneumonia, which took over his weakened body and caused severe damage to his lungs. On April 8 we said goodbye to the most amazing man I know. I've kept this blog to let everyone know we are doing well. Our children our amazing, and we are grateful for every day we have together.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

back from vacation

Sorry, again, for the lack of posts. Ainsley and I decided last minute to go to California for a week to visit my parents. We had bought the plane tickets long before we knew Duben had cancer, and later decided we wouldn't go. Since Duben's treatment was postponed the trip would happen in his off week while he would be feeling okay. We decided two days before the trip to actually go. We're glad we did. Duben felt great all week and Ainsley had lots of fun grandparent time.

Duben had his second treatment on the 13th. He did really well. He was able to use his new port to receive his treatment, and really noticed a difference. It was much more comfortable for him that way. After the treatment he felt good, which was such a relief. It still wiped him out and he came home and slept, but I was so grateful he wasn't nauseous and sick.

He went back in to visit with his doctor on the 23rd and his blood counts were low again. He isnt able to get any shots anymore to boost his counts, so we have to wait it out. The nurses told us that he was only able to get the shots once at the start of his treatment. The shot to boost his blood levels reacts badly to one of his chemo drugs, and they wont be able to use them going forward. We're assuming that because of this we will probably have to push back a few treatments due to low blood counts throughout the next few months. We're not worried about pushing back his treatments when needed. We figure, as long as we can continue treatment and Duben continues to feel well, we aren't concerned how long it takes. We are grateful for the team of doctors and nurses we have working with us. They continue to be so compassionate and supportive.

We continue to feel so blessed to be able to live a "normal" life throughout all of this. Ainsley is doing well, she's talking so much more! She is such a blessing to us, we just love her energy and how happy she always is. Mom and baby are doing well. We had our 20 week ultrasound on the 14th and he's already measuring bigger than expected. The doctor might change the due date to the end of January. Duben continues to work and is enjoying his job. And he still has his hair!!
We are grateful for the continued prayers. We can honestly say we feel the strength and comfort from them. Thank you. We love you all!


  1. Glad to hear that things are going so well under the circumstances.

  2. So glad to hear things are working as well as they are! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Aunt Rita has been keeping us posted and sent this blog address to us! Congratulations for a baby boy coming soon. We love you!

    Landon & Marianne Wilde
