In August 2011, Duben was diagnosed with a unique type of cancer called Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He fought hard and was winning. He did it all while providing for his family, and being the most amazing husband and father. After finishing chemotherapy he got pneumonia, which took over his weakened body and caused severe damage to his lungs. On April 8 we said goodbye to the most amazing man I know. I've kept this blog to let everyone know we are doing well. Our children our amazing, and we are grateful for every day we have together.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

let the games begin

yesterday we arrived in Houston, TX to meet with doctor's at MD Anderson this week. they'll be running a lot of tests and hopefully on monday we'll get an idea of what exactly we're dealing with and how to get rid of the cancer.

we were really impressed by all the staff we met with, especially our doctor. we felt really comfortable with her and appreciated the time she took to explain everything to us. we especially love that she specializes in Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which we found out is relatively rare. 9,000 people in the U.S. a year are diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

we received our itinerary and basically duben will be put through a number of tests throughout the week to determine which type of Hodgkin's he has and what stage he's in. there a lot of basic tests, like CT scans and PET scans. thursday he'll be going in so they can test his bone marrow, which duben is definitely not looking forward to. we also have some free time here and there, so we're looking forward to relaxing and just spending time together.

we are so grateful to have the opportunity to be here and for all the people who have helped make this possible. thank you to everyone who's helping out with ainsley. this has been so hard to be away from her, but i'm so comforted she's with my mom and all our wonderful friends.
thank you for all your prayers and support!

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