In August 2011, Duben was diagnosed with a unique type of cancer called Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He fought hard and was winning. He did it all while providing for his family, and being the most amazing husband and father. After finishing chemotherapy he got pneumonia, which took over his weakened body and caused severe damage to his lungs. On April 8 we said goodbye to the most amazing man I know. I've kept this blog to let everyone know we are doing well. Our children our amazing, and we are grateful for every day we have together.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

some good news!

as most of you know we are expecting another little wilde on February 2, 2012 (hopefully sooner). having ainsley around with all her energy and happiness has helped us so much during these past few months. finding out #2 is coming has also given us something to look forward to.

today we met with my doctor and we did an ultrasound to see the baby and make sure everything was okay. (this pregnancy has been a little rougher then my first).
we were able to see ITS A BOY!
lil' D as we call him.
we are so excited and cannot wait to meet him. we know these next few months are going to be hard, but its nice to know at the end of all this we'll have a bigger and stronger family.

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