In August 2011, Duben was diagnosed with a unique type of cancer called Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He fought hard and was winning. He did it all while providing for his family, and being the most amazing husband and father. After finishing chemotherapy he got pneumonia, which took over his weakened body and caused severe damage to his lungs. On April 8 we said goodbye to the most amazing man I know. I've kept this blog to let everyone know we are doing well. Our children our amazing, and we are grateful for every day we have together.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

quick update

A Quick Update
Sorry I haven't written much this past week. The lack of sleep has caught up with me. Hospital beds/chairs are not comfortable. Here's the basics of this past week...
Duben is still in the ICU and is still using a breathing tube.
I spoke with the Neurologists this weekend and they aren't sure if Duben had a seizure or if he just passed out. They've ran a few tests and he looks good, but they are keeping him on seizure meds just to be cautious.
The doctors have kept him pretty sedated to keep him comfortable. It makes it harder for us to communicate. He can write sometimes, but there are times he either falls asleep writing or falls asleep before I come back with paper and a pen.
His breathing is improving and they were hoping to get the tube out by now, but he's just not quite strong enough yet. The doctors want to be very cautious this time so they dont have to put it back in again.
Duben and I both have had some hard days. We struggle not knowing how long this will take and where we are at in all this. We've had a lot of doctor changes lately, so it makes it hard to stay connected to each of the different teams of doctors and nurses. We're just tired of feeling so helpless and not knowing.
Overall, we just want things to be back to normal. Its hard not being able to talk to him for so long. We miss being together as a family. I know things will be okay. I know we will all get through this, but it is just hard.
I need to say thank you to all the amazing people who have been helping us get through this. We appreciate all the emails, texts, care packages, and many other wonderful ways you've shown your love and support. It helps me so much each day. I read all the notes to Duben everyday, and he appreciates it. I know he's overwhelmed by all the support. It means so much to us.
Thank you.


  1. Whether we have known him forever or barely at all, our thoughts and prayers are with you. He is very blessed to have you by his side!!!

  2. Keep on fighting Duben and Carrie. You can get through this. I can't wait until the day we sit out in the sunshine and Duben and I make fun of each other as we always do.
